Jakki Jelene Blog

Baking Up A Storm!

Last week I spent a better part of my time making sugar cookies with my niece, along with a couple other goodies. Then I took them over my sister’s house...

In Search of a Thrill

I’ve been feeling a bit restless lately. It’s not that my life is boring or nothing is going on, quite the contrary in fact, but perhaps I need a break...

Back To Work

This past year has been incredibly hectic to say the least. What with our third move, husband starting a new job, loads of family visiting or staying with us and...

Ballot Box Blues

Well, the election is a few days out and like most Americans, I am incredibly disenchanted with our choices. No matter who wins the Presidency it appears that America loses....

Songs I Heard This Week (9/16/16)

BEACH BOYS – SUMMER’S GONE There is probably no more beautifully depressing song than this. Brian Wilson’s farewell to a life lived and an era passed. I relate to it...