Category: Blog

Linus & His Sincere Pumpkin Patch

Last night I did something I’ve done every October just about every year of my life…I watched It’s The Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown. It just wouldn’t be that spooky time...

Curb Appeal

As I get up and sit at my computer each day, I am growing increasingly weary of this vapid society. Everywhere I turn, I see far too much value placed...

The Purity of Music

As is a common occurrence, today I was cleaning the house while listening to music. You know the old adage, “whistle while you work”? Well, again, as commonly occurs, a...

Anatomy of a Song

Music is known as a universal language. It’s one of the few things that can cross ethnic boundaries and unite people all over the globe. It inspires, comforts and motivates....

10 Years of Pogo!

I’ll never forget the day, all the way back in 2007 when I was first introduced to Pogo’s magical world with this Alice remix. Never heard anything quite like this...

The Art of Conversation

I was talking to a good friend of mine recently and it suddenly occurred to me how naturally our conversations flowed. Despite us both being extroverted types, there was no...